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Airplane Maneuvers Mastery (Private Pilot)
Introduction (5:22)
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Introduce Yourself (Airplane)
Maneuvers Guide (PDF Download)
Taxiing (08:11)
Normal Takeoff (11:16)
Crosswind Takeoff (04:51)
Short Field Takeoff (04:25)
Soft Field Takeoff (05:21)
Rejected Takeoff (02:22)
Keep Learning with our Private Pilot Course
Basic Maneuvers
Straight & Level Flight (07:36)
Level Turns (04:29)
Climbing Turns (03:54)
Constant/Turning Descent (05:06)
Trim (04:31)
How do you like the class so far?
Normal Landing (09:57)
Crosswind Landing (07:10)
Short Field Landing (06:32)
Soft Field Landing (05:27)
Forward Slip to Land (04:27)
Rejected Landing/Go Around (05:27)
Flapless Landing (02:28)
Ace your checkride
Ground Reference Maneuvers
Rectangular Course (05:36)
S Turns (02:56)
Turn Around a Point (02:53)
8s on Pylons (Commercial) (05:07)
Learn more about the Cessna 172 aircraft
Slow Flight & Stalls
Slow Flight (05:58)
Power Off Stall (06:08)
Power On Stall (05:21)
Accelerated Stall (commercial) (03:04)
Stall/Spin Awareness (04:30)
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Performance Maneuvers
Steep Turns (02:05)
Check out Our Podcast!
Emergency Operations
Emergency Descent & Glide (03:56)
How did you like the course
Faulty Approach Procedures (Part 1) (6:06)
Faulty Approach Procedures (Part 2) (6:46)
Faulty Approach Procedures (Part 3) (4:20)
Conclusion (0:08)
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